Friday, October 10, 2014
Okay, I'm finally going to be recruiting staff for
I'm really proud that I did this alone & brought
myself to number one in Nigeria..really proud!
With, of course, the help of loyal LIB readers. I
grateful to you guys. But now it's time to expand.
Get reporters and photojournalists to work for LIB,
so I can get more exclusive content. This
experience has really jolted me. Lol.
So if you're a reporter or even someone
passionate about news creporting or you think
can source for news for LIB, then please send an
email to Please don't
send to me, I'm very bad at replying emails. lol. I
get so many, it's hard to read everything. And
some even go to junk and spam that I never get
see. OK, so contact us. Let's do this!
Also, let me officially apologize to everyone who
has sent me a mail that I never replied. There are
thousands of you I know and I'm truly sorry.
you blog alone, it's almost impossible to pay
attention to much else. So forgive me!
I'm so scattered that I don't even have a LIB Things will change a little sha.